Efficient processes and exceptional customer service are the gears that keep a bike shop running smoothly. Giant Store Breda embodies this philosophy, providing top-tier service and expertise to cyclists of all levels. .
Mitten im Herzen der Niederlande gelegen, ist der Giant Store Breda seit 2022 ein Hotspot für Radfahrer. Hier können Kunden eine Auswahl an hochwertigen Fahrrädern, eine Vielzahl an Fahrradzubehör und Zugang zu außergewöhnlichen Reparatur- und Wartungsdiensten genießen. Was den Giant Store Breda auszeichnet, ist sein Engagement für die Förderung einer Radsportgemeinschaft. Es ist mehr als nur ein Fahrradladen, es ist ein Ort, an dem Radfahrer zusammenkommen, Fragen stellen, Gespräche führen und bei einer Tasse Kaffee über die gemeinsame Liebe zum Radfahren Kontakte knüpfen können.
Die Herausforderung
Giant Store Breda aimed to modernise its operations while maintaining high standards and delivering exceptional customer service.
Many local bike shops still relied on outdated manual processes for repair management, leading to inefficiencies, delays in customer service and operational challenges. Recognising the need for change, Giant Store Breda set out to become a fully digital, customer-centric bike shop.
One of the biggest hurdles was overcoming operational bottlenecks. The shop previously relied on paper workshop cards to track repairs, which increased the risk of errors and slowed down workflows.
Darüber hinaus gab es Kommunikationsprobleme mit den Kunden, was häufig zu Verzögerungen bei der Einholung von Kostenvoranschlägen für unerwartete Reparaturen führte, die sofortiger Aufmerksamkeit bedurften. Dies beeinträchtigte nicht nur die Effizienz des Geschäfts, sondern auch die Kundenzufriedenheit. Lange Wartezeiten, bis die Kunden ihre Fahrräder abholen konnten, kamen zu den Herausforderungen hinzu.

To elaborate on this, the manager at Gaint Store Breda shared “We relied on paper workshop cards to document everything. Back-and-forth customer calls were causing delays, and when we encountered issues with items and couldn’t reach them immediately for permission to finish certain services. Overall, the process was time-consuming and impractical”.
Addressing these issues became a priority to enhance both operational efficiency and the overall customer experience at the store.
Die Lösung
Drawing on past experience, the manager at Giant Store Breda recalled using Hubtiger, a Service- und Reparaturmanagementsoftware he had previously used at the shop in Dubai. He reached out to the Hubtiger team, and within a week, Giant Store Breda had Hubtiger fully operational.
„Ich habe mich an das Team von Hubtiger gewandt. Innerhalb einer Woche war alles für den neuen Shop eingerichtet.“
– Giant Breda
With Hubtiger’s digital job cards, Giant Store Breda significantly reduced paper usage while streamlining workflows. The store can now easily assign job cards to mechanics, allowing the team to track job statuses effortlessly. With one click, job cards sync to the point-of-sale (POS) system, ensuring a smooth payment process.
By leveraging Hubtiger’s built-in communication features, the team at Giant Store Breda can now directly engage with customers for swift quote approvals and issue resolution. They can also automate service reminders, provide real-time updates on repair progress, and send notifications about exciting group rides—all within Hubtiger.
When asking the manager about his first impression about the Hubtiger team, his repsonse was overwhelmingly positive: “What stood out was Hubtiger’s willingness to go the extra mile. For example, despite the contractual obligations to use a specific point-of-sale (POS) system, Hubtiger seamlessly integrated it into their software, simplifying invoicing for customers. They even provided a complete translation, ensuring our customers could use it in their own language.”
Die Ergebnisse
Mit Hubtiger können Kunden ihre Fahrraddienste bequem direkt von ihren Mobilgeräten aus buchen, entweder über das Hubtiger Mobile App oder eine Buchung über die Website des Giant Store Breda vornehmen. As a result, the team have substantially reduced their time spent on the phone with customers looking to schedule repairs. This gives them more time to focus on their repair work and offers customers the convenience of scheduling their next service hassle-free, whether the shop is open or closed. The manager added, “It made our shop more efficient, reduced interruptions, and allowed us to focus on what we love.”
Daily tasks are streamlined and scheduled bookings ensure the right parts are ready, making mornings hassle-free. Additionally, communication with customers improved significantly. “We can request permission for additional repairs via text message, and customers can respond back, enhancing the overall experience,” says the team at Giant Store Breda.
Die Geschichte von Giant Store Breda ist ein Beweis für die Innovationskraft und den positiven Einfluss eines Partners wie Hubtiger, der nicht nur den Ladenbetrieb optimiert, sondern auch das gesamte Kundenerlebnis deutlich verbessert hat.

The team reflected on their journey, emphasising, “Not only did Hubtiger benefit us as staff, but our customers also appreciated the enhanced experience.”
Hubtiger’s positive impact on the shop was clear to the team at Giant Store Breda, who shared, “Hubtiger’s exceptional general overview impressed us. With Hubtiger, we have various options available. For instance, we can label bikes that require warranty repairs, making it more convenient to track and follow up on those.”
In the end, the transformation at Giant Store Breda was unmistakable. “Our bike servicing and repair process became significantly more efficient,” shared the team at Giant Store Breda. “We streamlined our daily operations, and customers could easily grant us permission for additional work via a quick text.”
The manager at Giant Store Breda concluded, “I wholeheartedly recommend Hubtiger. Their genuine care and tailored solutions have elevated our shop’s operations. In this digital age, it’s refreshing to have a partner that listens and strives to provide solutions.”